Right, these four gorgeous girls are our Alpacas, from the top down, they are Lima, Cassandra, Black Dancer and Bermuda. Our first baby(cria) is due at the end of February, with Bermuda, but as she will be close to her due date she wont be able to be delivered to us until after the birth. We hope to be able to visit her on the day the baby is born. Cassandra and Black Dancer are due to give birth in July.
Our herd name is going to be Alpacas el Sol, which is the closest translation I can find of Alpacas in the Sunshine.
Alot of people dont know very much about Alpacas, they are part of the camel family, and are primarily raised for their fleece, although as the industry in Spain is in its infancy we won't be making any money out of that. We will hope to sell the animals on to other potential breeders or people that want sheep guards or even just great pets. They get sheared once a year, before the summer.
We hope that they will be a welcome addition to our lives. They are so relaxing to just sit and watch, you can while away hours without even thinking about it. We also hope that when we get some accomodation up and running for guests that the Alpacas will be as relaxing for them too.
I hope our dog, Geri is not too frightened of the Alpacas and I hope that she doesnt frighten them. Although when they are scared they do make strange and funny noises to alert the others to the dangers.